Friday, August 15, 2014

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush: Review

I can hear the chorus of "Ooh's" and "Aah's" as I type this. Yes, I am finally reviewing the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blushes. I have three of them, whoops. These blushes are some of the most talked about products to be released in 2014 and to be honest I hesitated for a while to purchase one. They're pricey, about $35, and they are available only at places that sell Hourglass, aka Sephora. I figured, Kylie, you have enough blush. But then, I saw them.

I mean come on, right? They're too pretty to walk past too many times. The shiny rose gold packaging, beautiful mirrors, and gorgeous veining were all calling my name so I treated myself. 

First I picked up Luminous Flush, a beautiful pink color infused with the prettiest gold shimmer that just gives a sheen to the cheeks. Now, when purchasing these, I recommend looking at them in person. And by that I mean open up the packaging in the store and make sure you're getting good veining. Every blush is different so if you want more color or more highlight then buy accordingly. After purchasing this bad boy I was hooked, and began to plan when I could afford to buy the others I wanted. 

Dim Infusion was my next purchase. It's a corally orange shade laced with the same gold shimmer. I'm telling you, that shimmer is like crack. 

Lastly and most recently I purchased Mood Exposure. This is a gorgeous neutral shade and mine has a lot more pigmented color instead of the shimmer. It's still gloriously sheen-inducing however. And I'm really looking forward to using this all fall.

Here are the three swatched in order from left to right. 

Overall, as you can tell this is a rave review. The blushes are gorgeous. I've seen a few reviews saying they weren't that pigmented but honestly I don't think you can understand how pretty they are simply swatched on the skin. You need to put them on your cheeks and wear them in the sunlight because that's where their true glory is seen. Yeah, they're just blushes, but they perk up any makeup look in my opinion. And that's worth a lot.

Until next time!

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