Friday, May 17, 2013

Mascara for Sensitive Eyes

It's been too long. I could give you a lot of excuses but mainly my reason for not posting recently is that I've been spending my days working and sleeping, and that's about it.

I seem to have finally rested up from the semester so here's a post I've been meaning to make.

I have super sensitive eyes. They're dry, I wear contacts, and I have bad allergies. I pretty much have the holy trinity of eye sensitivity. Most mascaras make my eyes itch so incredibly bad to the point that I can't wear mascara at all. This may sound melodramatic but let me tell you, watery and itchy eyes aren't cute and make you want to sleep all the time. This is not really effective for life so I had to find a solution.

 I decided that this was just silly and that I could find something to work for me. I went on a mission to find good mascaras that don't make me want to pluck my eyes out. I felt like I was searching for Carmen San Diego. That song is now stuck in my head. Anyway, I proved victorious in my search both at the drug store and at Sephora. Here there are...

This is the Tarte Gifted Amazonian Clay Smart Mascara. Now, I've tried both of Tarte's mascaras and they both work on my eyes. The brand as a whole tries their best to be as natural as possible and in general they are low on irritants. At the moment this is my favorite mascara ever. It's a little bit expensive at around $19 dollars but honestly that's less expensive than many others at Sephora. Plus, it doesn't itch my eyes, so I would pay just about anything for it. In addition to not irritating my eyes it doesn't flake, keeps my lashes curled, separated, and lengthened. Plus it's very build able without getting too clumpy and making my eyelashes look like tarantula's legs, which is never a cute look let's be real here. The wand is pretty standard and the formula isn't very wet but it's also not going to dry up in a hot second. It's a happy medium. All in all it's great for everyone, even if you have the trifecta of ailments to your eyes like me.

This is a great option for the more budget conscious gal or guy. This is the Physician's Formula Fake Out Mascara from their Organics line. This one doesn't bug my eyes at all, however you have to be careful since the wand is quite wide. I often get mascara on my contact when I use this. Granted, my eyes are huge and I am not very graceful or careful with any mascara wand, but I felt I should warn you that it's not idiot proof. The formula is pretty dry. In general this gives a natural yet build able look to the eyelashes. It may flake slightly but only if you rub your eyes excessively like I do because it's a bad habit that I need to stop. It's the best and only drugstore option I've found that works well and doesn't irritate my eyes.

So there you have it, a few options for those of us who have eyes that are dry, itch, or require corrective lenses. But remember, these are great mascaras for everyone. I recommend them to all.

TGIF guys, happy payday and happy summer to those of us who are on summer vacation! (I am. mwahahahah) I'll do my best to post more frequently now that all I do is work and sleep, with the occasional dinner out with a friend. Oh and lots of quality time with my dog.

 Talk to you soon!

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