Thursday, January 31, 2013

Drugstore Hair Care All-Stars

So I have long hair, and a lot of it. If you know me at all then you know my hair is kind of my pride and joy. The problem is, having long hair means breakage, especially on the ends. This breakage is even worse when I'm up at school using water that is so hard you can practically smell the iron. Enter my new best friend, the L'Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5 Restoring line. Wow, that's a mouth full.

I bought this whole line on a whim. I was in Target and I was out of shampoo and conditioner, this was on a pretty new display, so I gravitated towards it like a moth to a flame  Obviously I was intrigued by the claims of repairing damage, reducing frizz, and overall making my hair perfect. Let me tell you, I've never been happier with a hair care purchase in my life.

I know that sounds dramatic but these products are fantastic. I have tried almost every smoothing and moisturizing shampoo from the drugstore and they all leave my hair dry or greasy. This shampoo/conditioner combo cleans my hair well but still leaves it incredibly soft. The conditioner reduces frizz and leaves my hair moisturized but not greasy in the least bit. Overall they are a great duo that I can see myself repurchasing in the near future.

The third item in this trio of awesome is the Multi-Restorative Dry Oil. I grabbed this simply because I've heard so much about hair oils but I'm far too cheap to buy pure Argan oil so I figured I would just give this one a shot. I'm sure there are better, more expensive oils that do more for your hair but this one does smooth out frizz and soften the ends of my hair. All in all it's a very nice product.

I give this whole line an A+. I never thought I could get this nice of a shampoo/conditioner from the drug store. I highly recommend these to anyone, especially if you have long or thick hair.

I hope everyone had a nice week! I know mine was pretty long and busy so I'm glad to be home with plenty of time to sleep and rest up. Have a good weekend everyone, I'll be posting more hopefully next week!

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